FEMA - CIRCULARS » Exim Bank's Government of India supported Line of Credit of USD 30 million to the Government of the Republic of Ghana
- Investment by Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPI) in Government Securities: Medium Term Framework (MTF)
- Advance Remittance for Import of aircrafts / helicopters / other aviation related purchases
- Anti-Money Laundering Guidelines
- Booking and Cancellation of Forward Contracts
- Buyback / Prepayment of Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCBs)
- Buyback / Prepayment of Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCBs)
- Deferred Payment Protocols dated April 30, 1981 and December 23, 1985 between Government of India and erstwhile USSR
- Discontinuation of Reporting of Bank Guarantee on behalf of service importers
- Exim Bank's Government of India supported Line of Credit (LoC) of USD 215.68 million to the Government of the Republic of Malawi
- Export of Goods and Software - Realisation and Repatriation of export proceeds - Liberalisation
- External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) Policy
- Foreign currency- Rupee Options
- Foreign Exchange Management (Deposit) Regulations, 2016 - Opening of NRO Accounts by Long Term Visa (LTV) holders, changes related to Special Non-Resident Rupee (SNRR) Account and Escrow Account
- Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999
- Foreign investment in India by SEBI registered Long term investors in Government dated Securities
- Import of goods and services- Extension of time limits for Settlement of import payment
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- Investment by Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPI) in Government Securities: Medium Term Framework (MTF)
- Advance Remittance for Import of aircrafts / helicopters / other aviation related purchases
- Anti-Money Laundering Guidelines
- Booking and Cancellation of Forward Contracts
- Buyback / Prepayment of Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCBs)
- Buyback / Prepayment of Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCBs)
- Deferred Payment Protocols dated April 30, 1981 and December 23, 1985 between Government of India and erstwhile USSR
- Discontinuation of Reporting of Bank Guarantee on behalf of service importers
- Exim Bank's Government of India supported Line of Credit (LoC) of USD 215.68 million to the Government of the Republic of Malawi
- Export of Goods and Software - Realisation and Repatriation of export proceeds - Liberalisation
- External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) Policy
- Foreign currency- Rupee Options
- Foreign Exchange Management (Deposit) Regulations, 2016 - Opening of NRO Accounts by Long Term Visa (LTV) holders, changes related to Special Non-Resident Rupee (SNRR) Account and Escrow Account
- Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999
- Foreign investment in India by SEBI registered Long term investors in Government dated Securities
- Import of goods and services- Extension of time limits for Settlement of import payment
View updated and edited Demo version of F.E.M.- (Deposit) Reg., 2000
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